Working with disabled adults and having a Special Needs child has taught me a thing or two about being a good advocate. Being the voice for someone who has trouble expressing their needs, or who is easily taken advantage of, is crucial to their survival. It is especially important to be an advocate when there is an ominous threat that vital services could be/are being taken away. I am proud to be such a person for my daughter. Completing a difficult and lengthly task in itself is immensely rewarding, and having the outcome turn out in my favor makes me literally dance with joy. I am not kidding, I happy danced with PP today when I heard the good news!
The people in our ECFE class helped me realize that we are not the only family who goes through these types of situations. I consider the Super Parents to be a precious resource in helping me become the best mom and advocate I can be. In spite of all the bureaucratic bullshit we as parents deal with, they've inspired me not to give up, be persistent, be educated on the programs available, and to know the right way of going through the process to get what you and your child need. They have taught me that nothing will ever be handed to you; don't expect anything in return if you aren't willing to work your butt off for it. However, I know this definitely won't be the last time I will have deal with something insanely frustrating. This is true for any parent and it's a very hard lesson to learn. Parenting is, and always will be an uphill battle, but I have more tools in my toolbox now and I feel like I could take on anything.
PS — PP has started to monkey crawl (I think that's what it's called) on her hands and feet with her butt in the air. It's adorable, and it just brings her that much closer to walking! She will be on her own two feet in no time!
PS — PP has started to monkey crawl (I think that's what it's called) on her hands and feet with her butt in the air. It's adorable, and it just brings her that much closer to walking! She will be on her own two feet in no time!
Sunny days and safe travels!