Mystery: SOLVED!
I want to start the week with a few silly facts about PP:
- PP loves anything that has to do with string. She will chew on it, nearly swallow it, put it in between her toes, put it on her head, carry the slobbery string all over the house...freaking loves it.
- Cell phones are an obsession. If she sees one you'd better be prepared to give it to her, and let her explore it with her mouth, or face the wrath of PP.
- Cats and dogs are exhilarating. Whenever she sees an animal she lunges at them while laughing, screaming her head off and pointing. It's priceless.
- PP has orthotic braces that support her lower legs and ankles when she walks. She doesn't walk on her own so we make special time during the day to practice using the braces. She likes doing this because she can get to all the things that are unreachable while crawling. She also loves to run in them! I have a sneaking suspicion that PP will run before she walks, just because it's the opposite of what she is supposed to do! As her Physical Therapist would say, "Any kind of independent mobility is GOOD mobility." So I don't care what order she does things in, I just have to help her along in any way that I can.
Penelope was also taking calls on my camera and the TV remote control this past weekend.