Rocking chair enthusiast in full swing
We have been thoroughly enjoying the summer weather and events. Going to the beach a couple times in a week and visiting different parks every day, just PP and I, fit into the routine so nicely. Frequenting the local Farmers Market, antique shops and garage sales were quite an experience.
Mornings in the park, ahh summertime.
We went to therapy twice a week, every week, and have been going to various doctors appointments about twice a month. Having a few play-dates and adventures took up the remainder of our time. Here are some highlights of the shenanigans taking place around our house:
- The first event that pops into my head is a very gross one, so be warned. PP ate her own poop. Yep. Dug in her diaper and ate her own poop. Chris and I were standing with her in the kitchen, but were apparently not paying close enough attention to her. It was hilarious and disgusting to the tenth degree. I cried from laughing, I'm sure PP was beyond confused in more ways than one and Chris couldn't eat any more of his cranberry chocolate chip oatmeal cookie.
- We spent lots of time with family, which created good vibes for re-entering school. Family time is always a good time!
Nelly and her cousin Kenny
- During one of those sweltering hot dog days of summer, PP and I ventured out towards Lake Harriet. Usually, there is a crowd of people trying to fish off a dock on our walking route, but today there was nobody there. Heck ya! I let PP out of the stroller and she bolted out onto the dock. I saw little sunfish swimming just under the surface of the water. I showed PP that when you spit into the water the fish think it's food, so they all come to try and get a bite! PP thought it was hilarious so we spent about 20 minutes spitting into the lake, giggling when the fishes came to see us.
- PP discovered goggles and bike helmets. These are two of her many new obsessions.
- Someone got a hair cut! You can pat Momma Lace on the back next time you see her.

- A special plot of dirt in the yard is dedicated to the sensory awareness of PP, called the garden. PP loves the garden. She can rub the dirt in her hair, bury her feet, and practice scooping/pouring. PP also helped Momma plant some Rosemary and Sweet Basil plants for our indoor herb garden.
"Maybe if I'm nonchalant, Momma won't be suspicious of me eating some..."
- Taking trips up to the Northern suburbs kept us busy.
"We love riding in our Bluebean"
- This girl is getting so big, I decided it might be better for her to not use a high chair anymore. She can sit in a regular dining room chair and eat off of the table, and she does well with it if she likes her food. Otherwise, she's running all over the house with it. Take today for instance, pizza was for lunch. PP loves pizza, but when she got a bit full she decided to run all over the house with it. The age of dirty walls, cupboards, curtains, bedspreads, shower curtains, et. al., is upon this household. Scared and happy face. I'm so excited my girl can walk and that she is progressing with gross motor skills, but I've become a tiny Neaty-Nancy and feel like I'm living in a frat house !
- PP was taught how to drive by her Grand-Babcock's. PP got so brave while driving the Power Wheel Jeep, she drove it up a tree! This was not the only time she took a real big tumble outside. She also fell off the slide at the park. PP fell only a couple feet, but I was close enough to break her fall. I think it scared her enough so now she hasn't been screwing around while on the slide! She also fell off the swing. Despite the mishaps she tends to be more of a daredevil. She loves the tire swing and scooting up to the edge of a flight of stairs. I wouldn't say that she is able to run, but she is close. PP has a tendency to get overly excited and trip over her own feet, and does not always catch herself when she falls. For now, we are focusing our PT work on going up/down stairs and running. The work in OT through Children's is focused on swinging, bouncing and self-cares. Going to the park is a very important task because we can knock off a bunch of daily therapy exercises in a short amount of time!
"Mom, just give me the keys. I got this."
Now it's time for brownies.
Pretty flowers and summer showers
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