Thursday, July 5, 2012

Being BIG!

PP is a big girl in so many ways.

One very obvious way is her sheer mass. PP is a big, sturdy, clumsy girl. I love it, I'm always on my toes! She has a 4 year old body with the coordination of a 1 1/2 year old, but she's almost 3 so I think it evens out. Did I say she's almost 3? Well, her birthday isn't until November, but it's only 4 months away. Bonkers! Her age doesn't mean much to me anyways. I buy toys in the 1 1/2-2 year old age range, and I just bought PP her first shirt from the little girls section. She's a size 4-5 in girls clothes and getting close to size 7 shoes! She's my big baby.

She is delayed developmentally speaking, but her personality is quite fitting for an almost 3 year old. She doesn't like to share, she throws tantrums (more than I can handle) and she doesn't eat the crust of a sandwich. She is a shy-flirt and LOVES to be outside. PP sneaks snacks from her diaper bag and tries to hide when Momma finds her with Papa's toothbrush.

For someone who can't talk, she has lots of opinions! This is becoming an issue; I don't understand her completely so I just keep trying and trying to figure out what she wants. The process can take a while  and the duration can quickly reduce PP to a screaming heap on the floor, forgetting whatever it was that she wanted in the first place. I'm always getting beat up in the process because when PP is mad, she is MAD! Her shoes turn into flailing, pink and white hammers that inflict fat lips and clicking jaws upon those who dare to try and stop the madness. I'm told this problem will come to a resolution the further we get into therapy because she will begin to understand things a little better. I'm waiting for those days like a kid for Christmas; if they taught me anything it's to have patience and good things will come...I hope!

PP loves everything that Momma is doing! She always wants my jewelry and clothes and food and spot on the couch and undivided attention. I suppose it's just bound to happen that way if we spend more time with each other than anyone else. I act like her sometimes, too. When she gets mad for no reason and starts to just cry and throw herself around, I pretend (or not) to cry and throw myself around. It usually confuses, amuses, and exaggerates the problem, so I don't get to pretend to be PP very often! Sometimes you gotta let it all out. Most of the time we are just ourselves and we end up having a good time regardless of each others bad-itudes. Love is all you need.

Growing up is a hard thing to do, so I try to keep that in mind when dealing with a difficult PP. I'm so happy to be able to watch her grow up! When I was pregnant and when she was very little I was actually scared for her life and it was a terrible feeling. I would imagine her big, like a toddler, like she is now, to help me get through the tough times. So I can't complain too much. I got what I wanted!

I really just wanted to let everyone know that I bought PP her first little girl clothing item, it's obviously a big deal! No more shopping in the baby section for PP, little girl clothes fit her persona so much better anyways...sassy little things.

Stay cool

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