Friday, July 6, 2012

Mean Momma

PP is always interested in anything I am doing, especially eating. Even if she doesn't want to eat what I have, she will sit with her face inches away from mine, making me think she wants the nummies. I have been thinking of ways to get her to stop wanting my food. Until yesterday I had come up with nothing.

Yesterday the light bulb turned on...

Eat Bibim Mem. This delicious snack is like Korean style ramen noodles, but there are a few striking differences. Delicious differences. Bibim Mem noodles look like ramen, but they are covered in a red sauce instead of powder seasoning and you serve them cold. This red sauce is HOT. Like, really spicy hot. This is the only spicy food I enjoy eating. There are also little chunks of what I assume is some type of hot pepper mixed in the sauce as well, so if you bite one of those you get a lil extra sumtin-sumtin. I don't know how to read Korean, so I don't know exactly what it is I am eating. All that I know is that it's like a spiffy party in my mouth and everyone is really super hot and red and loving it. I LOVE BIBIM MEM.

I assumed there was no way that PP would find these appetizing, whatsoever. What baby likes hot and spicy food? Well, I guess it's true that when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. Hah! She took a lil bite o' noodles and LOVED it. Whaaaat?! It was obvious she didn't get a big enough bite to make her mouth burst into flames. She wanted more so I gave her more, increasing the amount by a tiny bit each time. PP got fed up with my stinginess pretty quickly and screamed at me when I put a big chopstick-full in my mouth. This is when I had a Mean Momma moment. PP, you want to scream at me for my Bibim Mem? Fine. I got a big chopstick-full ready and popped it right into PP's mouth, which was wide open. She chewed for one second, things were OK, then started screaming and crying. As far as I know, it was the spiciest food she has ever eaten, so she didn't exactly know what to do. She clenched her jaw shut and I thought she was going to explode! I tried to get her mouth open to get the giant gob of burning noodles out of her mouth but she was also hitting and kicking me in the process, so I just yanked on some noodles that were hanging out of her mouth. I didn't get them all out, but I got most of them out. She swallowed a considerable amount of those cold and spicy noodles! The burn traveled from her mouth to her throat and she was not happy! I tried to get her to drink water, but I think I shattered any shred of trust when I shoved the chopstick-full in her little birdy mouth. PP cried for a solid 10 minutes, then whimpered for 15 minutes afterwards. Poor baby, I played my tiny violin for her.

Do I think she will still try to eat all my food? Yes, she has been doing it all day, seeming to forget the mean Momma incident. The real test is if she asks for my Bibim Mem again.

Mean Momma comes out when baby bird wants my favorite nummies!

Well, it's nap time!
Cozy blankets and snuggly pillows

1 comment:

  1. You just made me laugh out loud! Glad she recovered!
